
Manuals / Anleitungen / Schaltbilder

Please keep in mind that I am a private person and have no commercial relation with YAESU. I have no source to supply old or lost manuals or informations about modifications.

I receive several requests per week... but sorry I can not help.

Please check the following links to different sources all over the world:

If you find more pages... please let me know and ...

I will make sure other can find them, too


What ever you are looking for.... YAESU related.... click here first:



Check out Mike's classic Yaesu net on 14.165 Mhz, Sundays at 1600 local  Australia time. If you need to contact Mike you can e-mail him at

Other Webpages about YAESU products:

YAESU online source for manuals etc.

A wellknown, commercial source for old manuals in the UK

Our “sisterpage” down under


Click the FT-101F above to see the world of the Fox Tango Int.

NW2M Presents:
The Yaesu FT-101 HF Transceiver Home Page

FT 401 Museum in JAPAN

N 5 ITO, Davis in Dallas, Tx

Great FT 101 web page with all details....

A great 101 page

A Brief History of the Yaesu FT-101

By Chris Arthur VK3JEG

Tom, KC0NSC`s FT 101 page

A great source for ham radio manuals in France. Many thanks to F6KEH

Just follow the links

Larry, AA4VI`s

very special page about FT Dx


You must see!


Encyclopedia of YAESU Amateur Radio  Equipment

Encyclopedia of STANDARD Amateur Radio  Equipment

A collection of nearly all Ham catalogues from the very early days till today

Great Job and mny tnx to SM7VHS


YAESU leaflets and infos showing yesterdays most popluar items.

 Great page designed by jg2kju

YAESU Webpages:

Your direct Mail to the YAESU headquarter


YAESU Modifications


For informations about modifications I suggest to vist one of the best pages worlwide

A great Mod-Page from very far down under (CB+HAM)

This page is a MUST for all YAESU handheld owners. See Jim`s great software tools for remote contoll and clone features. Software mods for all needs perform perfect.

YAESU manuals, wiring diagramms etc

My suggestion is the FCC database for lost manuals of  YAESU radios. The FCC ask the producer to give all informations including a .pdf version of the user manual. It is very easy to access the page and to search the type of radio you need. Please visit the page at:

The requested Grantee Code for Vertex-Standard (YAESU) is “K66”

All YAESU connectores listed... great job from Japan!

A great source for all Ham Radio Details... and it`s from Germany:

I am sure... one of the best sides:

A russian side with a lot of informations

K4XL`s web page with full informations, downloads etc

Der Link zu den gesammelten Testberichten und Infos aus der Redaktion des Funkamateurs

--- click here ---

An other great source for nearly all informations and specifications

If nothing works on a “for free” base...

 see this link to a commercial supply of service informations

A great sorce for current YAESU documentation from Greece!



Special FT 101 and FT-series pages

The FT 101 Museum page



Fax Tango Group

Don`t believe it? Just click!


YAESU picture gallery in Japan

You MUST see this page .....

More Museum Pages

HamClassics from PA0-Land

The Scanner and CB Museum

See the story of TURNER Microphones

Special SOMMERKAMP pages

Sommerkamp Forum

Sommerkamp Collection

Soka Page

Der Kaffeewärmer / the coffeewarmer

CB Museum

A great Mod-Page from very far down under (CB+HAM)

Italien collection of CB radios (also Soka)

Radiosystems Collection

Netherlands collection

Modifications etc... CB

CB Clinic of America.... Mods and more Mods

The Sommarkamp Page at the Fox-Tango-Group


Handbuch - Übersetzungen für den Radio-Amateur

manuals Übersetzung Handbuch Amateurfunk ham radio translation Funkgeräte technische Texte internet hardware software funk radio Artikel

Hermann Pratsch, DL9PR


Bogenstr. 1, D - 82166 Gräfelfing bei München Tel.: +49 (0) 89-8542031 Fax: +49 (0) 89-8542032

click to see his web page